Last night I was riding my motorcycle to lunch and I was thinking about lowering my cholesterol. Don’t worry, it’s not all that high, but my doctor wanted me to consider medication although I’ve been able
The Circle of Life
Many years ago the animated movie The Lion King made the song The Circle of Life by Elton John a huge hit. The movie was a great movie and made all of us think about the beauty of life and how death and life
Hagar and Ishmael
This morning I was moved almost to tears by a story in the Bible found in Genesis. Most of us know that Abraham and Sarah had a child when he was 100 years old. Before he had Isaac though had another son
Finding Joy in your Job
In 2002, Sheryl Crow had a hit song entitled “Soak Up The Sun”. In the song she had a wonderful line that said, “It’s not having what you want, it’s wanting what you’ve got”. So can this really be possible?
The Written Word & Stress
This last month I have been noticing how many teens come into my office who are not proficient at the written language. Many of them are great with typing and texting, but not actually writing
Many people today try living their life without dreams or goals. They live a life without direction, allowing circumstances to make their decisions for them. Even those people who have dreams and goals
The RearView Mirror
When I was 15 years old I was living in a very small Central Texas town. I was gainfully employed at the only office supply store in the town, or in the county, for that matter.
Stress Relief 101
The year was 1986 and I had just entered my Sophomore year in high school. Although I was a fairly smart kid, there were tons of really smart kids in my class and often times I felt a bit inferior. I was very blessed to have an amazing group of classmates that were smart, athletic, […]
Dream Your BIG Dreams
In 1980, Christopher Cross released his debut album, on which was a #1 hit aptly named “Sailing”. If you’ve never heard the song it’s worth finding. It’s a magical melody mixed with poetic lyrics that speak of the joys of sailing.
Adventure Based Counseling
We are excited to begin offering Adventure Based Counseling as an alternative or in addition to traditional talk therapy. Adventure Based Counseling is therapy using games, activities, initiatives