About Logos

Offering everything from traditional counseling, to alternative therapies, we are excited to help you achieve your goals – whatever they are!

Offering Love for Today & Creating Hope for Tomorrow

A comprehensive therapy experience that serves our local communities.

Comprehensive counseling services.

Logos Services, LLC has been offering mental health counseling to individuals, couples & families of all ages since 1998.

Logos focuses on holistic therapy using a variety of methods across multiple locations. It has always been our goal to provide excellent care for our clients & communities.

Help, when and
where you need it.

With over twenty years of experience & growth, Logos Counseling knows how to make a difference.

We serve a wide range of clients, including families, individuals, & couples, from children (ages 4 and up), to adults in any stage of life. Care can be accessed via our numerous locations or by teletherapy.

Our goal is to provide accessible, exceptional mental health services for as many people as we can.

Wide range of
therapy services.

Offering everything from traditional counseling, to alternative therapies, we are excited to help you achieve your goals – whatever they are!

When you’re ready to move from surviving to thriving, Logos is here.

Schedule a session today.